Drinking blood can stay the infection and lessen the deficits of the disease. If the disease has not been cured (via a Cure Disease potion or praying at a shrine) within three days, the infection mutates into full vampirism, causing a series of maladaptive and beneficial traits to emerge in the subject. If one is attacked by Vampiric Drain, there is a 10% chance of infection. Sanguinare Vampiris is the disease that eventually culminates in vampirism and is typically contracted when attacked by a vampire, either with physical attacks or being subject to their Vampiric Drain spell. Laelette the Vampire casting the Vampiric Drain spell, responsible for causing the Sanguinare Vampiris infection.

Unlocking all eleven perks garners players an achievement. The Dragonborn opens up the skill tree by siding with Lord Harkon and the Volkihar Clan to help actuate the Tyranny of the Sun prophecy foretold in the Elder Scrolls. The Dawnguard add-on adds a Vampire Lord ability with eleven perks to unlock through leveling up. Upon reaching stage four of vampirism, mortals can detect the vampire more easily, attacking or fleeing almost upon sight. The crime cannot be paid off with or jail time. Feeding accrues a bounty of 40 in the corresponding Hold. Spectators of a feeding become hostile and report the crime to Hold Guards. Sleeping humans can be fed on to keep the curse at bay. The severity of the infection increases the longer the vampire goes without drinking blood. Vampirism comes in four stages of severity. He requires a filled Black Soul Gem to cure vampirism. Otherwise, the only method for removing the disease is to speak to Falion, the thaumaturge of Morthal. Alternatively, praying at a shrine cures it. If the infection has rooted before three days have passed, a Potion of Cure Disease can be ingested to cure Sanguinare Vampiris, which, as previously mentioned, is the disease that eventually leads to Vampirism.

Vampirism can be contracted and cured an unlimited number of times. To offset this advantage, vulnerabilities to fire and sunlight are also conferred. In Skyrim, Vampires acquire special magical spells as their level of infection increases. Harmed by sunlight, stigmatized by mortals, and infamous for their unquenchable thirst for blood, vampires go to extreme lengths to hide their ailment or even their entire presence from mortals.

Vampirism is a syndrome that is acquired after the disease Sanguinare Vampiris has infected the body longer than three in-game days. The infected woman has darker eyes and a sickly pallor. An Altmer woman before transformation (right) and after becoming a full-fledged vampire (left).